
Te Toki Voyaging Trust

TE TOKI VOYAGING TRUST Sharing Mātauranga Aotearoa New Zealand’s story is intrinsically linked to the moana and the many wayfinders who voyaged across the ocean. Knowledge and appreciation of our history is critical in rebuilding our connection with the ocean. By...


SEASCAPE Better databetter decisions Seascape is a photogrammetry innovation being pioneered by New Zealand Geographic. It aims to transform our understanding of the marine realm through better visualisations and more accurate science. The result will be...

Restoring Coastal Ecosystems | Live Ocean Foundation

RESTORINGCOASTAL ECOSYSTEMS TĪkapa Moanathe Hauraki Gulf While the Hauraki Gulf is beautiful from the surface, below the waterline the ecosystem is in crisis. Kelp is vital for ocean ecosystems to flourish, creating habitats for marine life and is hugely efficient at...


BUOYS THAT LISTEN USING TARINGA TO DETECT ILLEGAL FISHING Illegal fishing is an urgent issue for the health of the world’s ocean, including here in New Zealand. Currently, detection is largely reliant on coastal patrolling, which is both labour intensive and costly....


SONGS OFTHE SEA Stories of the Hauraki Gulf Most of us can’t remember the former abundance of the Hauraki Gulf, or what has been lost. Songs of the Sea is an innovative new multi-media series that uses archival photography, film and audio to tell personal stories of...
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